The Reform Clause 1 campaign succeeded in its aim to amend Clause 1. The change is now incorporated in Section 1 of the Anti-Social Behaviour Crime and Policing Act 2014 and came into force in October 2014.


February 6, 2014

The amendment to reform Clause 1, already agreed in the Lords, was given formal approval in the Commons on Tuesday 4 February.

Home Office Minister, Norman Baker, told the House of Commons that the Government accepted Lord Dear’s amendment to replace annoyance orders with orders requiring proof of harassment, alarm or distress.

While continuing to accuse Peers and campaigners of “scaremongering and exaggeration”, he stated: “The Lords have spoken, however, and we have listened carefully. It is a democratic Parliament and we have therefore accepted, largely, the substance of Lord Dear’s amendments”.

He conceded that, “because of the clear vote in the Lords, where there seems to be a majority, and in the light of that debate, the Government has accepted that the test for an injunction should be amended”.

The House of Lords voted 306 to 178 in favour of Lord Dear’s amendment, the biggest anti-government vote on any piece of legislation in this Parliament.

Other aspects of the Anti-social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Bill have yet to be agreed between the Lords and the Commons. Once the Bill is completed and Royal Assent given, Clause 1 will require a commencement order before it comes into force.